Friday, May 11, 2007


My Name is Broadband

I watched the season finale of My Name is Earl this morning. I didn't watch it last night because Survivor was on and my wife was TiVoing Ugly Betty. I could have recorded it but why bother: It was online, at NBC Rewind, where I usually watch Earl. I think it's my favorite show, but you'd never know by my lack of need for "appointment" television. NBC puts it online the day after it airs, with one crummy little 15" pre-roll ad (which didn't even play correctly today, but I saw the whole show anyway).

I enjoyed it immensely, but I wonder how NBC is monetizing my viewing? I watched it when I wanted, albeit a day late (but so what?), and without interruption. Who needs network affiliates?

Having worked 14 years for an NBC affiliate back in the easy days of broadcast, I wonder how much longer the networks will need a ragtag lineup of stations to beam shows to the tiny percentage of homes that use an antenna. Maybe HDTV will save the day, but I doubt it. Most people seem more willing to get high-def from satellite or cable.

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