Thursday, June 07, 2007


Fred Thompson on YouTube

Yesterday I saw the 38-second YouTube video clip of Presidential aspirant Fred Thompson chewing up the scenery in a rebuke of Michael Moore. The descriptions reads: As Fred Thompson has criticized Michael Moore for his trip to Cuba and visit with Fidel Castro for his documentary on health care, Moore responded by challenging Thompson to a debate on the topic of health care. Moore also made a reference that Thompson smokes Cuban cigars and is violator of the trade embargo. Thompson responds with cigar in hand.

The politics of this is less interesting to me than the implications for TV. Who needs a news gatekeeper (let alone a network or local TV affiliate) when riveting content can be delivered like this. Even better is when the old-time media pick up on the viral video and give it a second life.

Is it wise for media outlets to hype YouTube? Is free publicity for the competition a good idea? If Fred Thompson had done the same idea on The Today Show, would Good Morning America mention it?

Sometimes I think the traditional media don't fully understand the sea change at hand.

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