Monday, July 16, 2007


Jumping the Shark

The phrase "jump the shark" is taken from the episode where Happy Days lost its steam, literally showing the Fonz jumping a shark. Many examples of shows that went sour, or jumped the shark, are at

Today I read that NBC's new programming genius is bringing back The Apprentice but wants a celebrity episode. Nothing like waiving a red flag that the Donald's original idea has fizzled. We all remember when Who Wants to be a Millionaire? went the celebrity route, a sure sign that the show was fading.

Too bad NBC can't find another fresh idea, or at least an adaptation of something that works in the UK or Europe...

OK, I was wrong. I never factored in the writer's strike. Today NBC ordered more episodes of Celebrity Apprentice. I still think it's a horrible idea, but the viewers still find it the best option now that scripted TV is on hiatus.
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